Sept 4th, an old barn

As hubby and I were traveling to VA.,we pasted this old barn in a very lovely setting. I quickly snapped a shot of if as we went flying past. Today when I pulled the picture up to see how it turned out,….I was taken down memory lane.

As a child, I grew up on a dairy farm,owned by my grandpa and farmed with the help of my dad. I have a brother who is a few years older than I. We loved the barn! We would play in the hay bales making tunnels with sudden drops that were delightfully scary as you crawled through in the dark. We would swing over the piled up loose hay and drop into it. 

In the spring , we would watch the pigeons hatch their young,and once we try to rescue a baby when it fell from the nest. It most of hurt itself to much from the fell ,for it only lasted a few hrs. I always hated when critters hurt.

Oh, how wonderful that barn would smell when fresh hay filled the loft! I won’t say what the down stairs smelt like on hot humid day.:))

There was one thing that my brother and I were not to do… But slipped it in if we thought we could get by with it, that was to climb the silo. It was so delightful to sit on top and see the view,for one could see for miles!

Those days were good days,but time has moved on. The barn we played in is gone now,so as I looked on this picture I wondered what stories it could tell… and how long it will be before it will too be gone? Kinda of sad isn’t it.

Now for a quick change of subject, (which is a trait of mine)  I saw this pattern on Pinterest. I loved it, so of course I wanted to make one for myself. My son made the frame for me out of scrap broads and old barbed wire. I was thrilled with the way it turned out!

Now backing to hand quilting…

4 thoughts on “Sept 4th, an old barn

  1. KerryCan

    Oh, an old barn–sigh. I grew up on a dairy farm, too, and have such similar, wonderful memories! Your quilting is looking wonderful–makes me feel like I need to get a quilt top ready to hand stitch for the winter!


  2. Sheryl

    This also takes me back memory lane, and growing up on a dairy farm. I remember the hay tunnels, and I also remember making hay slides from the top of the mow to the barn floor that were almost and steep and fast as a roller coaster.



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